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Crawfordsville Journal Review (12/7/2011): A Real Booster Shot

Bill Doemel, president of the Montgomery County Free Clinic Board, speaks Tuesday about the $75,000 gift the free clinic received from the Montgomery County Community Foundation. Also pictured are Julie Ludwig Bergfors (left), John Tidd and Kelly Taylor.

Kelly Taylor, executive director of the Montgomery County Community Foundation, (far right), and MCCF board president John Tidd (second from right) present a ceremonial check for $75,000 to Bill Doemel, Montgomery County Free Clinic board president, and Julie Ludwig Bergfors, who was representing her mother Dr. Mary Ludwig.Tina McGrady 

The Montgomery County Community Foundation gave a real “shot in the arm” to the fundraising campaign recently launched by the Montgomery County Free Clinic Inc. Board of Directors.

On Tuesday, the MCCF board awarded a grant of $75,000 over a three-year period for the clinic. The grant was made possible through the Faye O. and Anna Winter Schenck Fund and the Drs. Paul and Mary Ludwig Fund. It will be distributed as follows: $40,000 this year, $20,000 in 2012 and $15,000 in 2013.

The Free Clinic board received news in October that North Central Health Services had awarded them a 3:1 matching grant worth up to $900,000. This math turns the foundation’s $75,000 gift into one of $300,000. If they maximize the award, they will have a total of $1.2 million to get the clinic built and ready to open. The gift represents 25 percent of the clinic’s fundraising goal.

“This gift is just amazing,” said Bill Doemel, president of the Montgomery County Free Clinic Board.





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