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Community Foundation Awards Clinic $45,000 to Hire a Nurse Practitioner

This past Thursday, June 27th, the Montgomery County Community Foundation awarded the Dr. Mary Ludwig Free Clinic $45,000 to fund the hiring of a nurse practitioner or advanced practice nurse (APN).  The award was given at the Community Foundation’s grant presentations at the Vanity Theater.  At the presentation over 25 other agencies were recognized for their work in the community.  The ability to now hire an APN will give the clinic the ability to have a continuity of care with patients so that even if they are seeing a different volunteer doctor at each visit they will still have a friendly face in the newly hired nurse practitioner, Doris Bleah.  Assisting Doris Bleah will be Michele Thompson, a local nurse, who will be in charge of scheduling volunteer nurses as well as the day to day running of the clinic.  We would like to thank the Community Foundation for all of their support and ask you to help out by following this link and making any contribution that you can to enable us to make our great community a healthier place to live.


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